CBS is hailing its impending comedy “$#@! My Dad Says” as the first to have been inspired by a Twitter feed.

But its big name star is not one to tweet.

“I don’t Twitter. I can’t even 
remember my password name,” Shatner says. “I have problems 
with electronics. So what I’ve done is I’ve hired 
a young man out of college, whose very fingers are 
the extension of computer keys and he Twitters.

Shatner, 79, says he’s had a “growing and glowing 
experience with Twitter.

“This show is born in a Twitter. We are
all atwitter. The show is a viral show. It is in my
limited imagination, an electronic miracle. It’s a 
show that stems from the culture of now, not yesterday,
 but now. This is a show that is in front of the curve,

He had trouble with conjugations from the word Twitter, referring at one time to “people who Twit.”

But he had a stronger alliance with the word that rhymes with twit that is bleeped from the show title.

“It isn’t a terrible term,” he says of the S word. “It’s a
natural function. Why are we pussyfooting?”

“$#@! My Dad Says” starts Sept. 23 on CBS.