“Sons of Anarchy” (FX, 10 p.m.) returns for its fourth season with some anticipation – it’s the network’s most popular series by far and has caught on with a wide audience with its Shakespearean scope to the operations of a California motorcycle club.

As we begin, the crew is just being released from prison after 14 months, and their family returns to greet them in touching manner

The sons of Jax is what is on the mind of Charlie Hunnam’s character, not the Sons of Anarchy club co-created by his old man that has somehow been subverted over the years into a crime syndicate. As you can see in the picture at left (taken at the premiere), he’s cut his hair and his character is determined to go straight.

He’s picked the right time. The local sheriff has been ousted and new, no-nonsense lawmen have moved in.

New to the team as executive director and principal director is Paris Barclay of “NYPD Blue” and “In Treatment.” Among the guests this season will be Danny Trejo, Ray McKinnon, Rockmond Dunbar and David Hasselhoff – as an ex-porn star.

And star (and wife of creator Kurt Sutter) Katey Sagal returns with a big award under her belt.

“It’s been a very nice compliment to get the Golden Globe,” Sagal told reporters at the TV Critics Association summer pres tour. “I think that more awareness from the show’s happened from Netflix more than winning the Golden Globe. I don’t know yet. We’ll see what kind of audience response we get to season four. I would like to think that any kind of notoriety we get will bring some more eyeballs. I just know for me personally it was really wonderful.”

For his part, Sutter tries not to get too wrapped up in awards, though he famously blew up in Twitter when the show got no Emmy nominations this year.

“Clearly, we know why we won’t get an Emmy nod now,” Sutter said. “But I’ll just say my tweets are more about, you know, my bad relationship with my father than they were about the actual Emmy nominations. If any of you want to lay me down on a couch and talk about that afterwards, I will gladly open up that can of worms, and perhaps pay you. But I it’s a much it’s a long answer that I really don’t know where it’s going to lead, to be honest with you.”

So he left it at that.