In creating the new Nat Geo Wild series, “Animal Intervention,” Alison Eastwood is joined by venom expert Donald Schultz in confronting people who have kept wild animals as pets – from tigers to monkeys.
But is Eastwood making up for what her dad created in “Every Which Way But Loose” working with an orangutan.
“Years ago, there was really no laws when it came to animals and entertainment,” Eastwood said in a session the last day of press tour. “I mean, horses were getting killed in westerns. There were all kinds of horrible things happening. Monkeys in movies were being abused. I think the laws have gotten a lot better, but,” she said, “you have to be responsible, and you have to ultimately look out for what’s best for the animal.”
Ultimately, she added, “yeah, I think the entertainment business does make it look like: ‘oh, how much fun would it be.’”
She said in making the series, she did run into “one person that brought up the fact that, ‘Your dad inspired me to get these animals.’ And I was like, ‘Oh, God.’ And he said, ‘Oh, I watched all those monkey movies.’ And I was like, ‘Oh no, not what I want to hear.’”