bb15-aaryn-300x221Big Brother caught up with the controversy about the racism of its houseguests Sunday as it ran, in montage form, the worst bits of bigotry from two dim blondes on the show.

Aaryn, who is shaping up to be a kind of monster this season, had already won Head of Household fueled by revenge for those who voted out the big haired and small-brained boyfriend of hers, David.

While deciding who to put up for nominations, she went on some tirades about the Asian American Helen, among other things saying “Shut up, go make some rice” as well as doing some terrible racial impersonations that went out of style long before she was born.

Then her friend GinaMarie, commenting on the African American Candice said she’s “on the dark side, because she’s already dark.”

The show’s Andy got an epithet from the two as well for being gay.

It was up to Howard to say in the confessional that he was offended by all this, but so as not to disturb his game play, he hesitated to do so in public. Hey, that’s the same theory used by CBS, who had previously issued a statement saying “at times, the houseguests reveal prejudices and other beliefs that we do not condone” when the statements were originally seen on the show’s live feed last week.

Both Aaryn and GinaMarie have lost their real world jobs as a result of their public prejudices, but not, oddly, their jobs on “Big Brother.” (Perhaps it’s the place where Paula Deen could land next on television).

At any rate, it was just one part of the Sunday night show which had already featured one of the dullest Head of Household competitions in the young season, transferring BBQ sauce in teams across a slippery surface to fill a bucket.

Aaryn was working with the increasingly offensive Jeremy and given the chance to take over HoH, he gave it to her, convinced he’d still pull the strings when it came time for her to make nominations.

Indeed, when she did, she took one of them — the ever-targeted sister of Rachel, Elissa, but not the other, Amanda who has lately been sharing a bed with the pizza delivery guy, McCrae.

Instead Aaryn chose her racial target, Helen, to go up with her.

A few other things were revealed in Sunday’s show. One was that Aaryn didn’t have a clue how the game was played. She insisted on being told, first of all, everybody who had voted for her dear departed David, possibly the stupidest person ever to play Big Brother (and that’s saying a lot).

She was actually surprised when nobody voluntarily raised their hand to reveal their secret vote and seemed surprised that Head of Household powers didn’t include such royal demands.

Nevertheless, she opened her HoH room to show people her creepy children’s toy, Clownie, instantly getting killer status from Amanda and the CBS cameramen.

Jessie, saved from elimination last week, made the declaration that “Everybody has had a lover in the house. and you know what, I want one.” So she started following around Nick in the house. it was a little pitiful; girl has no game. Nick called her a “stage five clinger.”

Also Candice finally was figuring out that the guys have their big alliance. The have nots find that they will also have liver and lentil beans in addition to slop (and viewers can vote on similarly alliterative choices for next week: coconuts and cabbage, grapefruit and guacamole or mincemeat and marshmallows.

Coming next is the MVP reveal, its choice for elimination and a power of veto competition. Also: “A Big Brother favorite is back with surprising news for the houseguests.” Rachel herself?