Millie Bobby Brown, the charismatic star of “Stranger Things” returns in a new film about Sherlock Holmes’ teenage sister, “Enola Holmes” (Netflix, streaming), based on the book series by Nancy Springer. Henry Cavill and Sam Claflin co-star as her brothers. 

Alex Gibney dips into Russian interference into the last election with a deep look at bots and hacking in the long first half of the wide-ranging documentary “Agents of Chaos” (HBO, 9 p.m.) which have benefitted from being a little more streamlined and succinct. It concludes Thursday. 

Practical hints on authoritarian hacks can be found on the second episode of “Hacking Your Mind” (PBS, 10 p.m.).

“The Masked Singer” (Fox, 8 p.m.) returns for its fourth season; the returning judges may be socially distanced, the performers have always worn masks. 

It’s followed by the new series “I Can See Your Voice” (Fox, 9 p.m.) in which contestants try to guess who would be a good singer by just looking at them. With Nick Lachey, Kelly Osbourne, Arsenio Hall and Cheryl Hines. 

A winner is named on the season finale of “America’s Got Talent” (NBC, p.m.). The winner gets $1 million and may be as famous as last year’s winner who was, er, Kodi Lee, the Korean-American singer and pianist. A preview at 8 makes it a three hour event. 

The Canadian import “Coroner” (CW, 9 p.m.) reaches its first season finale.