“The Crown” (Netflix, streaming) reaches its fourth season tracking the life of Queen Elizabeth (who is continued to be played by Olivia Colman). But she might be overshadowed, as the 70s turn to the 80s, by the appearance of Princess Diana (Emma Corrin) and Margaret Thatcher (Gillian Anderson).
Acting like royalty was the couple in “The Reagans” (Showtime, 8 p.m.), a new four-part documentary series that tracks the life of the movie star that became President. His rise in politics, and switch to conservatism, consumes the first episode.
There’s a bit of indulgence in the four-part docuseries “Murder on Middle Beach” (HBO, 10 p.m.) that explores the 2010 murder of a woman on the Connecticut shoreline. But that’s only because first-time filmmaker Madison Hamburg is the son of the victim. As such he gets access to most of the main suspects to the unsolved case, even when he has to surreptitiously record them. Still, the tale has a lot more twists than you’d expect.
The most entertaining historical series of the season, “The Good Lord Bird” (Showtime, 9 p.m.) comes to a close when John Brown faces his last stand at Harpers Ferry.
Demi Lovato hosts “The E! People’s Choice Awards” (E!, 9 p.m.), where Jennifer Lopez, Tracee Ellis Ross and Tyler Perry are up for special awards.
Kristin Chenoweth hosts the new six-episode confectionary competition “Candy Land” (Food, 9 p.m.), which also includes elements in the board game of the same name.
Let’s try it again: “Space Launch Live: Crew-1 Lift Off” (Discovery, Science, 5 p.m.), a joint mission of NASA with Space X, delivering astronauts to the international space station, is scheduled to actually blast off from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida at 7:27 p.m., weather willing.