Steve McQueen, the director behind “12 Years a Slave,” has a new anthology series of feature films depicting the struggles in London’s West Indian community from the 1960s through ‘80s and organized under the title of a Bob Marley song, “Small Axe.” It begins with the protest and courtroom saga of “Small Axe: Mangrove” (Amazon, streaming), starring Shaun Parkes and Letitia Wright.
Sarah Paulson stars as an over-the-top, controlling mother to a daughter in a wheelchair (played by newcomer Kiera Wright in the new thriller “Run” (Hulu, streaming).
The documentary “Voices of Fire” (Netflix, streaming) follows the rise of Pharrell Williams hometown community gospel choir.
Invaders from space visit Earth during the holidays in the new animated kids’ movie “Alien Xmas” (Netflix, streaming).
Another cartoon being resurrected for the streaming world is “Animaniacs” (Hulu, streaming).
More sobering is the animated short about grieving parents after a school shooting, “If Anything Happens I Love You” (Netflix, streaming).
A new documentary untangles the stories of the comic book line and considers their cultural impact in “Marvel’s 616” (Disney+, streaming).
Lindsey Vonn hosts a new competition for dogs and their owners in the reality series, “The Pack” (Amazon, streaming).