You can tell the title character of “Donna: Stronger Than Pretty” is making the wrong choice when she first lays eyes on Nick at the bar, fresh out of a restroom where he had obviously done cocaine.
She falls for every corny line he gives her, embraces his ambition for opening a high end flooring business in Long Island, and is willing to put aside her own dreams of attending college and becoming a teacher, so she could be a housewife and mother for the next few decades, even though — surprise! — he ended up going back to bars, doing cocaine (and even selling it) and picking up other women who fell for his lines.
And Nick also batted Donna around a bit, though it’s unclear how much in the muddled “Donna,” a substandard version of the kind of imperiled woman film the Lifetime network airs just about every weekend.
But this is the personal story of director and co-writer Jaret Martino’s own mother who raised three kids after finally divorcing after 30 years of marriage — and now gets her own co-writing credit. She even appears at the end of the film to say “Hi, my name is Donna. The film that you just watched was based on true events that happened in my life. I hope you walk away feeling empowered,”
She is pictured looking over old family albums with Kate Amundsen, the actress who portrays Donna in the film and talks more about her experience, in an excerpt from a documentary of the same name that preceded this theatrical effort.
If you want to critic a film, you should first learn about the film which has tons of articles, interviews & positive reviews all over. Express your opinion, but support your criticism. The story is not being understood properly, this critic missed the whole point of the film. It’s about woman’s empowerment, all of the characters actions in the film justified the story in the most authentic way. If you want to judge the film by the scenes & style please understand the vision of the Director Jaret Martino first. Just like all films every Director chooses to tell the story the way they want. Even if that means less violence and more narrative. This film has told the story of a strong Woman & Mother who overcame so much adversity especially in a time where woman were even more suppressed. It’s a story of hope & inspiration. Hopefully the film can continue to spread awareness and help educate and open the minds of people who don’t understand the true meaning of, “Woman gotta be
Oh look, another old white man giving his perspective where it does not belong.
I just watched this Film and can relate to it 100%. The Film struck my soul and is a contribution to undoing thousands of years of damage. Roger Catlin is part of the problem that this film so effectively portrays. Rest In Peace Donna Martino. We see your strength and are thrilled to have your voice be the courage that so many need. This card will last forever in your Film. #WomensAlliance #StrongerThanPretty
Express your opinion, but support your criticism. The story is not being understood properly, this critique missed the whole point of the film. It’s about women’s empowerment, all of the characters actions in the film justified the story brilliantly. Just like all films every Director chooses to tell the story the way they see it.