It seems at first another true crime story. But the four-part “The Night Caller” (Sundance Now, streaming) is unusual because it takes place in Perth, Australia, and occurred nearly 60 years ago. Those who remember the reign of a serial killer (and inveterate hit and run driver) are asked to read headlines about it to jog the memory, and one suspect is asked to retrace his steps as an elderly man.
The life of Joe Biden so far is reviewed on an Inaugural Eve “Frontline” (PBS, 10 p.m., check local listings).
In the new series “Life Below Zero: Northern Territories” (National Geographic, 10 p.m.), families in the Canadian north are followed.
Glenn Close and John Waters discover their family histories on the season premiere of “Finding Your Roots with Henry Louis Gates Jr.” (PBS, 8 p.m., check local listings).
Cain’s elective surgery patient has complications on “The Resident” (Fox, 9 p.m.).
On “Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist” (NBC, 9 p.m.) nightmares start to affect those close to her.
McGee works a case while on vacation in the Bahamas in the first of a pair of new episodes of “NCIS” (CBS, 8 p.m.).