Lena Headey, the erstwhile Cersei Lannister on “Game of Thrones,” stars in a new film about an elite assassin and her estranged daughter, who is also a hit woman in Navot Papushado’s action crime flick “Gunpowder Milkshake” (Netflix, streaming). Carla Gugino, Karen Gillian, Paul Giamatti, Angela Bassett and Michelle Yeoh also star.
The Mexican import “Private Network: Who Killed Manuel Buenidía?” (Netflix, streaming) is a documentary about the 1984 assassination of a journalist in Mexico City.
From Quebec comes the film “Guide to the Perfect Family” (Netflix, streaming) about parents who tend to try too hard.
A new documentary series “Heist” (Netflix, streaming) chronicles three major U.S. heists, told by the people who pulled them off.
The imported Italian film “A Classic Horror Story” (Netflix, streaming), which borrows a number of familiar horror tropes.
The new reality series “My Unorthodox Life” (Netflix, streaming) follows the life of a former member of an Orthodox Jewish community and her children.
“Loki” (Disney+, streaming) ends its first season already.
Game 4 of the NBA Finals has Phoenix at Milwaukee (ABC, 9 p.m.). It’s preceded by “Jimmy Kimmel Live: NBA Finals Game Night” (ABC, 8 p.m.), which is actually hosted by Anthony Anderson. Dwayne Johnson is the guest.