For as many sharp shows that Howard Gordon has been a part of, from “24” to “Homeland,” his new “Accused” (Fox. 9 p.m.) is a bit of a puzzle. It’s an anthology series with a new cast each week in which a defendant is on trial and their case is unveiled through the course of an hour. The first is a disturbing one starring Michael Chiklis and Jill Hennessy dealing with a potential school shooting mass murder.
The timing is not a sure thing, as it comes after the NFL divisional playoff of Dallas at San Francisco (Fox, 6:30 p.m.). Earlier, it’s Cincinnati at Buffalo (CBS, 3 p.m.).
Against live football, other broadcast networks roll over and play dead with a series of reruns and old movies, from the 1986 “Top Gun” (CBS, 8:30 p.m.) to the 2008 “Iron Man” (ABC, 8 p.m.).
Last year’s premiere of “The Last of Us” (HBO, 9 p.m.) was the biggest debut for the network since “Boardwalk Empire” bowed 13 years ago, with 4.7 viewers last Sunday. Episode two is tonight.
Already icky in concept, the premiere of “MILF Manor” (TLC, 10 p.m.) crossed a further line when the line of hot dudes presented before the randy mothers turned out to be their sons. They carefully choose partners tonight.
Elsewhere, Eliza tracks a con man to a remote corner of France on “Miss Scarlet and the Duke” (PBS, 8 p.m., check local listings).
On “All Creatures Great and Small” (PBS, 9 p.m., check local listings), Siegfried tries to save a racehorse.