On the new six-part documentary series “Farm Dreams” (Nat Geo Wild, 10 p.m.), a nature specialist with the splendid name of Indy Officinalis (pictured) helps farmers go into aqua, micro, rooftop and indoor farming. 

The 35th annual Shark Week concludes with the specials “Dawn of the Monster Mako” (Discovery, 8 p.m.) and “MegaSharks of Dangerous Reef” (Discovery, 9 p.m.) .

The Michael Keaton flick “Night Shift” and Eddie Murphy’s “48 Hrs.” are considered as the case rests in the season finale of “Greatest Geek Year Ever: 1982” (CW, 8 p.m.). 

The sitcom “Act Your Age” (BounceTV, 8 p.m.) also reaches its first season finale. 

A conservationist in Hawaii for her best friend’s wedding helps a hotel owner make changes to his family property in the made-for-TV romance “Aloha Heart” (Hallmark, 8 p.m.), which sounds like it wasn’t shot in Canada for once.

The fourth and final film in this summer’s “V.C. Andrews’ Dawn” (Lifetime, 8 p.m.) is subtitled “Midnight Whispers” in which Dawn’s daughter runs to the plantation where she was born. 

“Baking It” (NBC, 8 p.m.) uses recipes from old grandmothers’ day.

The rotten thing about “A Date with Death” (Investigation Discovery, 10 p.m.) is they always want to make you pay for dinner.