With a Top 10 List of course:
10. Lovely bouquet from the guy who wants to cut my tongue out.
9. Went with Jay-Z and Beyonce to their latest ultrasound.
8. Put little party hats on all the Ed Sullivan Theater rats.
7. Tweeted like a son-of-a-bitch.
6. Tried to get a big name celebrity for the program, unfortunately ended up with Alec Baldwin.
5. Ate the 18 cans of green beans I stockpiled for the hurricane.
4. Sending every audience member home with a new car!
3. Made hilarious joke about sending audience members home with a new car!
2. Ignored calls from Regis.
1. Got drunk and trashed the Ed Sullivan Theater lobby.
David Letterman celebrated his 18th anniversary of “The Late Show with David Letterman” on Tuesday night’s program. Alec Baldwin, Joe Namath and Lenny Kravitz were guests. The topic was “How I, Dave, Celebrated My 18th Anniversary at CBS.” He’s had a much longer career than that, though. “Late Night with David Letterman” started in 1982 on NBC. Only Johnny Carson has had a longer career in late night, 30 years. Letterman reaches his overall 30th anniversary in late night Feb. 1 of next year.