Seventeen years after their groundbreaking absurdist sketch comedy series “Mr. Show with Bob and David,” the two are back, online, using only the latter half of that title. “W/ Bob & David” (Netflix, streaming) brings back Bob Odenkirk, who has since developed his acting chops on shows like “Breaking Bad” and “Better Call Saul,” and David Cross, who has brought his comedy to “Arrested Development” and “The Increasingly Poor Decisions of Todd Margaret.”
By now, the weird things they’re doing on their show, with freewheeling interlocking sketches and an ace repertory team, is not so different than a handful of other sketch shows that have appeared since then, from “Key & Peele” to “Inside Amy Schumer” which only means they deserve a bigger audience.
John Mulaney, by contrast, didn’t do so well in his one-season sitcom for Fox. But the clever comic is back, undaunted, in his standup special also on Netflix, “John Mulaney: The Comeback Kid” (Netflix, streaming).
Tony Shalhoub and Santino Fontana star in James Lapine’s staged biography of playwright Moss Hart in “Act One,” given a showcase “Live from Lincoln Center” (PBS, 9 p.m., check local listings).
The early days of the New York Subway had its problems and an explosion tests the capacity of the Knickerbocker hospital on “The Knick” (Cinemax, 10 p.m.).
Julie Benz guest stars on “Hawaii Five-0” (CBS, 9 p.m.).
Daniel Radcliffe and Zoe Kazan star in last year’s romance “What If” (Showtime, 9 p.m.).
Host Robert Osborne picks the flicks tonight on Turner Classic Movies and he chooses comedy with “It’s A Mad, Mad, Mad World” (8 p.m.), “Libeled Lady” (11 p.m.), “The Wrong Box” (1 a.m.), “Make Mine Mink” (3 a.m.) and “The Mysterious House of Dr. C” (4:45 a.m.).
College basketball season begins with a slew of games. Among them: Colorado vs. Iowa State (ESPN2, 5 p.m.), Wagner at St. John’s (Fox Sports 1, 6 p.m.), Siena at Duke (ESPNU, 7 p.m.), Gonzaga at Pittsburgh (ESPN, 7 p.m.), North Carolina vs. Temple (CBS Sports, 7 p.m.), McNeese State at LSU (ESPNU, 9 p.m.), Florida at Navy (CBS Sports, 9:30 p.m.) and Texas at Washington (ESPN, 10 p.m.).
In professional basketball, it’s Cleveland at New York (NBA, 7:30 p.m.) and Brooklyn at Sacramento (NBA, 10 p.m.).
College football has Southern California at Colorado (ESPN2, 9 p.m.).
Daytime TV
Kelly & Michael: John Stamos, Dr. Melina Jampolis, A Great Big World. The View: Thelma Houston, Cheryl Lynn, Martha Wash. The Talk: Daniel Radcliffe, Alanis Morissette. Ellen DeGeneres: Diane Keaton, Justin Bieber. The Real: Vanessa VanDyke. Meredith Vieira: Christie Brinkley, Jacob Tremblay, Bryan Adams.
Late Talk
Stephen Colbert: Mark Ruffalo, John Cleese, Michael Flatley. Jimmy Kimmel: Hillary Clinton, Bob Odenkirk, David Cross (rerun). Jimmy Fallon: Sarah Silverman, Paul Dano, A Tribe Called Quest. Seth Meyers: Sean “Diddy” Combs, Jaime Alexander, Gary Clark Jr., Jeremy Gara (rerun). James Corden: Jessica Alba, Ben Schwartz, Grace (rerun). Carson Daly: Brit Marling, Julia Hart, San Fermin, Douglas Tirola (rerun). Tavis Smiley: Art Garfunkel.