The new Japanese game show “Run for the Money” (Netflix, streaming) involves a gang of well-dressed pursuers in suits and black masks chasing 29 celebrities, none of whom happen to be particularly recognizable this side of the world. The celebs have to run away from the hunters and hide, and the longer they are successful, the more the prize money increases. But there’s an extra trap at the end and a mole to boot.
“Deon Cole: Charleen’s Boy” (Netflix, streaming), from the Kings Theater in Brooklyn, is his second standup comedy special for the streaming service.
A new documentary series from Heidi Blake looks at how the U.K. became reliant on the money of Russian oligarchs. It’s titled “Once Upon A Time in Londongrad” (Peacock, streaming).
“R.I.P.D. 2: Rise of the Damned” (Netflix, streaming) is a sequel to the 2013 Wild West comedy fantasy that starred Jeff Bridges and Ryan Reynolds. This one has Jeffrey Donovan, Richard Fleeshman and Jake Choi.
“Taken Hostage: An ‘American Experience’ Special” (PBS, 9 p.m.) concludes with a two-hour second half.
Increasing friction between customers and employees are highlighted through the collected viral videos of “Customer Wars” (A&E, 10 p.m.). It accompanies the third season start of “Neighborhood Wars” (A&E, 9 p.m.).
The first live eliminations come on “The Voice” (NBC, 8 p.m.) as the Top 16 are reduced to 13.