“National Treasure: Edge of History” (Disney+, streaming) is an outgrowth of the movie series of the sane name, but with no Nic Cage in sight. Instead, its young cast is led by Lisette Alexis but does include such names as Catherine Zeta-Jones and Harvey Keitel in its story about a woman researching her roots and saving a Pan-American treasure. 

Another series based on a movie series “The Santa Clauses” (Disney+, streaming) has its finale. 

“Survivor” (CBS, 8 p.m.) ends its 43rd season in a three hour finale that finds the final five reduced to three, and then the single winner. And there’s a reunion of the players at the end’s live reunion, looking nourished and healthy weeks after filming had stopped. 

The other finalist in the World Cup will be determined in today’s semifinal of France vs. Morocco (Fox, 2 p.m.).

On the 10th anniversary of the grisly mass shooting that killed 20 first graders and six adults, there is a special report, “Sandy Hook: Forever Remembered” (CNN, 10 p.m.) reported by Alisyn Cameron, questioning whether anything has changed. 

The final five episodes drop for the fourth season of “Too Hot to Handle” (Netflix, streaming), constituting its finale. 

Sure you’ve seen the Dickens Yuletide story done a million times. But how about with Ashanti? The singer stars in “A New Diva’s Christmas Carol” (VH1, 8 p.m.) even as a 2009 “A Christmas Carol” (Freeform, 9 p.m.) with Jim Carrey, plays elsewhere.