big-brother-judd-hohIf last Sunday’s “Big Brother” was a series high point – an honest look of the house’s  racial intolerance at a time of the Treyvon Martin verdict — this week’s nominee announcement show was one of the dullest.

It could have been because Judd was head of household.

Not the sharpest player in the house, having to make decisions seemed to make his head hurt.

He wanted to pick the same players who went up last week: Aaryn and Kaitlin. But everyone had an opinion to share with him.

Ginamarie might make a good choice because how annoying she is. Amanda was singularly adamant about Howard, calling him manipulative since he initially lied to Helen about the existence of his original alliance. What has he done manipulative since then? She also considers Howard such a strong player, but what challenge has he actually won? More often he’s been terrible in competitions in which he was expected to excel. Even this week, taking a yoga lesson from Elissa, he couldn’t keep up.

Still, Amanda sees Howard as a kingpin of Candice and Spencer, who seems to be no threat to anyone. Andy smartly points out on camera that Amanda is being a little too heavy handed with her disdain, which might start to rub others the wrong way.

Ultimately, Judd declares: “She might run McCrea but she does not run jay-you-double-dee.”

To kill time before Judd’s nominees were announced — yes, it’s Aaryn and Kaitlin as he promised — there was a whole array of things.

First, we see Kaitlin in the aftermath of her showman Jeremy being evicted. She didn’t want anybody to see her cry, as opposed to Ginamarie, who wailed and shrieked when her crush Nick was ousted. Even Nick seemed appalled at that reaction.

There is a segment about how Ginamarie murdilizes the language. She can’t say the word “auburn” for one thing. Of pickles, she says, “they disguise me, they despise me.” “They disgust you?” someone says helpfully.

A second segment explored the growing relationship between Howard and Candice. “We’re both from the South, both Christian and both have been affected by the racial stuff in the house,” Candice  says. (Anything else?). We see them snuggle and tickle one another but that’s about it. This is Christian courting.

There’s another scene of Aaryn being terrible and once more not even being aware that she is, yelling at Ginamarie for basically calming her fears. “I don’t like the way you talk to me, it’s disrespectful,” Aaryn says.

The have not competition seemed at first a giant product placement, but since so many people were gagging and puking on frozen yogurt, it probably wasn’t. The surprising competition put three groups of four against one another to see how much weight each team could gain at the end of one session sucking down blended FroYo. The people who got vanilla/chocolate had an easier time than those with the mackerel/habanera swirl, which led to much gagging, near puking and other non-weight gain reactions.

It was an odd contest because it ran opposite of usual TV contests in which contestants were desperately losing weight. Here they were gaining weight right before our eyes, anywhere from 11 to 13 pounds a team. Most of the winning team’s total went to Ginamarie, who proved she could suck down FroYo with the best of them. It also kept her briefly from further mangling the language. Afterwards, though, se said she was “like butter with FroDo on it baby,” mixing up her yogurt treats with “Lord of the Rings” characters.

And while McCrea heaved, nobody seemed to be having ice cream headaches. Is there a prevention pill for that?

The losing team featured Andy, who will spend his third straight week as a have not, alongside Spencer, Jesse and Candice. And America will decide whether they will be eating Brussel sprouts and bananas, raisins and ramen or mushrooms and marmalade. One alliterative choice not made available was frankfurters and FroYo.

Sadly, this was the extent of America’s choices. We didn’t hear anything about who viewers, who were secretly deputized as MVP last week, would chose as third nominee for eviction. That won’t be revealed until Wednesday.