If Elissa had a clearer head, she might actually have a chance in “Big Brother.” Only after nominating Aaryn and McCrae for eviction as head of household, did she realize that Amanda should really be her target.
So on the verge of the veto competition, she sides with Aaryn in a way that the blonde actually believes her and together they begin their plan to backdoor Amanda.
Amanda seems to realize this and gets irrationally paranoid and even more off-putting than usual. But she also wins the veto competition – the first time the woman who has been running the game and bullying its players has won anything all summer.
It happened just in time for her to save her beloved doormat McCrae. But in replacing him, Elissa chose the next best thing to the power couple — the duplicitous Andy, who has been aligned with them.
With Aaryn and Andy both up for eviction Thursday, it means time’s run out for the so-called 3 A.M. alliance. Only McCranda from that alliance is not up for eviction.
So whatever happens, it looks like Elissa has a strong alliance with Judd and Aaryn and probably GinaMarie; if Aaryn gets voted out, though, Elissa might have an alliance with Andy as well. After all, even he knows he has to get away from the poisonous McCranda. Who else is left? Just Spencer who has sometimes floated to the end of August despite being nominated for eviction the most.
Elissa might still have a good chance now because suddenly her attitude is good. When Amanda started acting all crazy, yelling or crying or bullying, the Elissa responded was by laughing. She even did a perfect spit take at one point.
It was all generally more entertaining than the disappointing ZingBot, whose appearance for the season generally fell with lines like this one to McCrae: “i finally understand why you’re always wearing shorts — Because Amanda wears the pants. Zing!”
Makes you wonder: O death, where is thy zing?