Lowe’s pulling its ads from “All American Muslim” has given that TLC show it’s biggest boost yet.
It was cowardly and small-minded for the home improvement chain to pull ads at the behest of the bigoted Florida Family Association, which called the show “propaganda that riskily hides the Islamic agenda’s clear and present danger to American liberties and traditional values.”
That is to say: It showed Muslims to be regular people, which clashed with their own ill-informed ideas on the subject.
Lowe’s didn’t do itself any favors by saying it wasn’t caving to the right wing group. Instead it said the show had initiated “strong political and societal views.”
Actually, it did nothing of the sort. Most reviews of the show noted how boring it was to see a bunch of regular Americans who happen to be Muslim go about their regular days. It prompted “strong views” only in those who had them already.
A second advertiser Kayak said it pulled ads because “TLC was not upfront with us about the nature of this show.”
Really? The title “All-American Muslim” doesn’t exactly spell out the nature of the show for you? Then I think much less of your travel aggregation service.
With the clumsy moves by the advertisers, the show is now much talked about and will likely attract curiosity seekers at least, when it would have just run its course quietly and nobly, with nobody watching.