But there was still some prime Adam Scott to be had when at midnight, “Children’s Hospital” was replaced Thursday night on Cartoon Network’s Adult Swim, for one night only, by a special immodestly calling itself “The Greatest Event in TV History.”
Turned out it was a painstaking remake of the opening credits of the lightweight 1980s network detective show “Simon and Simon,” with Scott lightening his hair to play the Jameson Parker tole and Jon Hamm, extending his extensive comedy credits, adding a mustache to do the Gerald McRaney part.
Opening credits these days aren’t very long (except on premium cable, where they drag on at the same length each week), but even then they weren’t long enough certainly to even fill the 15 minute slot of “Children’s Hospital.”
So the bulk of the show was a “behind the scenes” making of the credits special hosted by a tuxedoed Jeff Probst in one of his funniest performances, and Paul Rudd as the demanding director.
An ongoing gag has Scott keep trying to introduce himself to Hamm, who at first doesn’t care and eventually becomes extremely annoyed at the constant interruption.
The cheesy opening credits has the Starsky & Hutch of their network cavorting around with guns, traveling in speedy cars and hot air balloons, bridges, buildings, and scenes of San Diego.
How well did they do? Well you don’t have to go poking around YouTube to find the original; they show it during the show’s closing credits to invite comparitions (verdict: good job on super random challenge).
Both “Parks and Recreation” and “Children’s Hospital” return next week.