For example, a new show, “Best Funeral Ever,” a kind of “My Super Sweet 16” about excessive farewell ceremonies that was to have premiered tonight, has been pulled from the schedule after the 26 funerals in Connecticut. Another one of the network’s cringe-worthy shows, “Toddlers & Tiaras” (TLC, 8 and 9 p.m.) fills its spot.
Likewise, Discovery pulled a pair of reruns of “Sons of Guns, ” about a custom gun shop in Louisiana that were to have aired tonight as well as a special from a nutcase who advocated presidential assassination, “Ted Nugent’s Gun Country.”In their place is a double play of a two hour show (of equal repellence and which has no basis in reality), “Amish Mafia” (Discovery, 8 and 10 p.m.).
Discovery had already announced it had cancelled its “American Guns” series; the future of “Sons of Guns” is still unknown.