George Clooney stars in the new film “The Midnight Sky” (Netflix, streaming), which he also directed and co-produced, playing a grizzled Arctic scientists who tries to stop a group of astronauts from returning to the threatened planet. David Oyelowo, Kyle Chandler, Demián Bichir and Felicity Jones also star.
Tessa Thompson and Nnamdi Asomugha star in the film “Sylvie’s Love” (Amazon Prime, streaming), a romance that apparently has nothing to do with the holidays.
A winner is named in the season finale of “The Great Christmas Light Fight” (ABC, 9 p.m.) after back-to-back episodes.
The Cake Boss nearly lost his ability to create following a severe hand injury. The accident and his healing are covered in a two-hour special “Buddy Valastro: Road to Recovery” (TLC, 9 p.m.).
The big fear in “Bigfoot: Fear in the Woods” (Travel, 9 p.m.) may be when people find out that it doesn’t exist.
Bill Pullman hosts a visit to “Epic Yellowstone” (Smithsonian, 8 p.m.).
“The Crimes That Changed Us” (Investigation Discovery, 10 p.m.) focuses on the death of a woman in the bank robbed by the Symbioses Liberation Army in 1975, with kidnapped Patty Hearst among them.