The two part biographical film about the actor and model nicks its name from one of her early films, “Pretty Baby: Brooke Shields” (Hulu, streaming), which gives a new perspective on a highly sexualized childhood.
It’s UConn and San Diego State (CBS, 9 p.m.) in the NCAA men’s basketball championship from Houston.
“Perry Mason” (HBO, 9 p.m.) tries to negotiate with the district attorney.
Costello says goodbye to Selby on “Rain Dogs” (HBO, 10 p.m.).
The latest adventure competition “Race to Survive Alaska” (USA, 11 p.m.) involves racers traveling along 100 miles of terrain along the Alaskan coastline.
“La Frontera with Pati Jinich” (PBS, 9 p.m., check local listings) returns for a second season of exploring food of the U.S.-Mexico border.
A girls’ night dinner leads to a spat on “Summer House” (Bravo, 9 p.m.).
“Quantum Leap” (NBC, 10 p.m.) jumps close to home on the season finale.
Hollywood Week continues on “American Idol” (ABC, 8 p.m.).
“The Good Doctor” (ABC, 10 p.m.) treats Covid symptoms.
Battle rounds continue on “The Voice” (NBC, 8 p.m.).