A friend writes:

This summer I watched 39 episodes of “Doc Martin” and am totally hooked on the series. I know that the 6th series is now showing in Britain and am eager to know when it will cross the pond. Do you have any idea as to when that will be? I notice that there is an ad on the internet from Acorn TV saying we can watch their shows anytime, but I’d rather watch it on my TV.

The British import “Doc Martin” is something that’s picked up by individual PBS stations and not carried nationally. Best to check with the stations you’ve been seeing it on .

The only thing I’ve heard is that the sixth season will be made available here for PBS in early 2014, and it already started in the UK Sept. 4. Maybe you’ve seen the trailer:

Another friend writes, noticing that both “Boardwalk Empire” and “Drunk Episode” both noted that Al Capone had a nickname he hated, “Snorky.”

“Boardwalk Empire” had young Al being teased with the name by his (older?) brothers — “Don’t call me that,” he replies. On “Drunk History,” it was a detail of his syphilitic dementia in prison. (Delightfully, Sarah Burns, one of “DH” ‘s repertory players, there as a sort of prison psychiatric nurse, I guess, is seen soundlessly mouthing it).

Most people know a Snorky that came in a later incarnation, as one of The Banana Splits. I should also point out that, like Capone, Nicole Polizzi, once of “Jersey Shore,” does not like to be called Snooki any more now that she’s on “Dancing with the Stars.”

The friend also made a couple of good observations, such as this one about the Emmys. Broadway composer Alan Menken is nominated for songs he wrote for the musical episode of “The Neighbors.”

 If he wins, he’ll join the exceedingly small EGOT club

That is to say, an Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony- award winner.

He also figured out what Charlie Skinner exclaimed in “The Newsroom” a couple of episodes ago (titled “The Election, Part 1”) ago that I couldn’t figure out despite repeated viewing.

“Per closed caption,” he said, Sam Waterson’s character yelled:

“I mean, what the f@#$!”