Monday TV: New Hotel Fixer, Bronx Mama’s Boys
On the new “Hotel Impossible” (Travel, 10 p.m.), cranky bald-headed hospitality expert Anthony Melchorn. left, flies into troubled hotels and tries to turn them around – Gordon Ramsay style. But…
On the new “Hotel Impossible” (Travel, 10 p.m.), cranky bald-headed hospitality expert Anthony Melchorn. left, flies into troubled hotels and tries to turn them around – Gordon Ramsay style. But…
It was the unusual episode of “Mad Men” where women were at peril. Richard Speck was on the rampage against student nurses in Chicago and it was frightening everyone from…
What was once just a bad Lifetime movie has now been made into a bad Lifetime series. “The Client List” (Lifetime, 10 p.m.) stars Jennifer Love Hewitt, and her figure,…
A few weeks of reruns of "Saturday Night Live" really make it welcome when it returns. And with Sophia Vergara hosting, it was one of the best episodes top-to-bottom in…
It’s not quite Christmas when it comes to TV specials and annual traditions, but you can always count on the sprawling network Saturday night rollout of “The Ten Commandments” (ABC,…
There were actors in period costumes and a cool late 50s car on South Beach Thursday, trying to scare up some in interest in “Magic City” (Starz, 10 p.m.), the…
Girls screamed every time he took the stage, but DeAndre Brackensick's falsetto faltered more than once, and it caught up with him this week on "American Idol." He was eliminated…
Some shows are just bad, others are just hatful. “Scandal” (ABC, 10 p.m.), starring Kerry Washington, left, in a preposterous D.C. caper, is in the latter category. She portrays a…
The start of baseball season is a day always filled with joy and hope – a triumph over winter and the promise of summer all with the crack of a…
Jessica St. Clair has been in about a million things on TV (including "Samatha Who?" "United States of Tara," "Worst Week," "In the Motherhood," "Notes from the Underbelly," "Sons of…