Yet another spinoff — the 10th! — of the old 60s series, “Star Trek: Prodigy” (Paramount+, streaming) is an animated one that probably has most connection to “Star Trek: Voyager,” since Kate Mulgrew reprises her character as Capt. Kathryn Janeway, now a training hologram for a young cast that includes Brett Gray, Ella Purnell, Angus Imrie and Jason Mantzoukas among its voices. Cap it with a replay of J.J. Abrams’ 2009 feature adaptation, “Star Trek” (Nickelodeon, 9 p.m.).
“Love Life” (HBO Max, streaming), the romantic anthology series that starred Anna Kendrick in its first season (and has since popped up on TBS) returns for a second season. This time out it focuses on a character played by William Jackson Harper, returning to dating after a long relationship has ended.
Back for its third season is “Selena + Chef” (HBO Max, streaming) in which Selena Gomez is joined in the kitchen with another array of accomplished cooks.
The third and final season of “Luis Miguel — The Series” (Netflix, streaming) about the popular Mexican singer, portrayed by Diego Boneta.
“Walker” (CW, 8 p.m.) confronts Captain James in the second season premiere.
The imported British dark comedy “Hitmen” (Peacock, streaming) returns for a second season.
Nandor says goodbye to Staten Island on the 40-minute third season finale of “What We Do in the Shadows” (FX, 10 p.m.).