We recall the music of Irene Cara, Louise Tobin and Wilko Johnson after reports of their deaths last week.  But we also celebrate the birthdays of Bruce Channel (82), Berry Gordy Jr. (93) and especially Randy Newman (79), from whom we hear a handful of his recordings as well as a generous selection of his early songs as recorded by artists as diverse as Gene Pitney, Fats Domino, Irma Thomas, Eric Burdon and the Tokens.

Today is also the anniversary of the first transmission of what would become the Grand Ole Opry, so we hear from some of their earliest featured acts — DeFord Bailey, Uncle Dave Macon, Bill Monroe and Hank Williams — some of them in recordings from the Grand Ole Opry stage. 

Marked Cyber Monday with some electronica and some songs of late November, though eventually closed with some swinging Nutcracker. Before then, some new things from Morrissey, Elvis Costello and more from Bruce Springsteen’s soul turn and The Beatles’ “Revolver” reissue. 

Here’s a link to the whole show; the playlist follows: