Sometimes dads get the notion of using their home video cameras to make funny little films, enlisting their whole family to star. The results can be amusing afterwards for all those involved. But only a few ama-autuers, to coin a phrase, would think the work would be good enough to expand into a TV-style sitcom for others.

“Daddy’s Divas” (Amazon Prime, streaming) is one such bold effort.  Filmmaker David Tittone directed, produced, stars and co-wrote the wobbly series with his father David Torre. As the daddy in question, Tittone plays a widowed personal trainer trying to raise a set of nine-year-old twins and an infant.

Luckily, he’s got a sister living next door and a mom not far away to help with the child-raising. And his cul-de-sac in suburban Kansas City is populated with the kind of single note eccentrics to populate such a series. 

Torre’s own daughters play the divas, though Kaitlyn and Madelyn Klinginsmith’s bratty, prank-playing school kids look bored enough to have been coerced into daddy’s project (the baby Kylie mostly just sits there). What the two kids do to prank others in order to get videos to make them YouTube stars do not make them especially endearing.

Though Tittone uses his trainer job as an excuse to be shirtless or at least sleeveless for most of the ten episodes (one T shirt says “Testosterone: Breakfast of Champions”), he does have a good comic face to react to the nuttiness all around him. Because there is a lot.