Some reality shows shed their contestants drip by drip, but “The Voice” reaches its finalists by cutting the half its hopeful singers in one gulp.
So the four judges who were represented by two singers going into this week’s episodes are now represented by one.
Continuing to the finals are Tony Lucca, the former Mousekateer, on Adam Levine’s team; Chris Mann, the opera singer on Christina Aguilera’s team; Alicia Keys backup singer Jermaine Paul, on Blake Shelton’s team and Juliet Simms, the singer with asymmetrical hair from the team of Cee Lo Green.
Going home are Shelton’s Erin Willett, Levine’s Katrina Parker, Aguilera’s Lindsey Pavao and Green’s Jamar Rogers, who looked for a time like he’d win the whole thing in the mold of Javier Colon, who won season one (and returned to sing on Tuesday, along the three other three finalists from that season, Dia Frampton, Vicci Martinez and Beverly McClellan).