Thin and charming Kim Spradlin took her calculating plans of “Survivor” success right to the winner’s circle Sunday, winning both the $1 million and the $10,000 prize voted by viewers.
She won immunity the final two challenges – earning four individual immunities overall this season. Not that anyone in the show’s first all female final five was going to vote her out. All the remaining contestants had an allegiance to her bordering on love – Kim had been earlier voted the contestant other contestants would most entrust their lives.
Her steely march to the win had a few jogs: Alicia was knocked off first, blindsided; followed by Christina, who almost willingly left. In the final three, Sabrina scared up a couple of votes, Chelsea got none; it was all Kim all the way.
And yet, she had very little to say at the reunion where she was named winner. Rather, the show had to do with the various other personalities: Whether Colton was as big a bigoted brat as he appeared to be (pretty much), whether Alicia, a special needs teacher, reallmy meant it when she compared Christina to one of her students (no, she tearfully regretted it). And there were all these emotional moments, when Tarzan proclaimed love to his wife, or when Kat disclosed that she was about to have heart surgery. But people tended to get emotional. They had been out there 39 days after all.
In the next “Survivor,” Colton isn’t just forgiven, he’s given another chance to play in the next consecutive season, something they only offer their worst villains – such as Russel Hantz.
Season 25 will be in the Phillipines and feature three former players who had to be removed from the game for medical reasons, each part of three tribes that will play.